Asbru Web Content Editor
Cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor with support for Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows as well as Mozilla (v1.3+), Netscape (v7.1+), Mozilla Firefox/Firebird (v0.7+) and Mozilla Firefox (v1.0PR+) on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix and Safari (v2.0.1+) on Mac OS X. Enables anybody to create, edit and post website content through a What-You-See-Is-What-You- Get editor with CSS Style Sheet support and Drag & Drop editing (to be used as a replacement for HTML FORM TEXTAREAs). Insert tables, images, Flash animations, Java Applets, hyperlinks, anchors/bookmarks, forms, text boxes and set properties such as borders, absolute positioning and much more. Administrate media and links on the server with the advanced media and hyperlink manager dialog windows. Check spelling in 44+ languages. Select and remove HTML tags with the optional DOM inspector.