ASP.NET OfficeOpen control for online editing in MS Office and (WEBDAV)
OfficeOpen control is a multipurpose web based control that automatically opens and gives the possibility to edit documents on-line in desktop applications Microsoft office and free OfficeOpen control supports built-in function of Microsoft office and to edit and create documents online (WEBDAV). With the help of OfficeOpen control your website visitors will be able to see and edit the documents located on server with one click online. They will not need to download files and then upload them back after editing. Users also can upload new documents to your site from office application or map web folder to own OS. More than 50 formats of documents, spreadsheet, presentations, databases and image file formats are supported. Joint operation with documents: lock/unlock actions are supported. Possibility to map folder at server as web folder to own OS. Users can work with online files the same as local: modify, copy, cut, paste, create subfolders.