Attention Grabbing Banner 1.0
AttentionGrabbingBanner 1.0 is a quick way to generate an effective, eye-catching banner ad for display on websites. This file is very easy to use, but highly customizable via an included XML file. You don't even need to edit the .fla file! I've included several .swf presets for different common web banner sizes. You can change the word or words for each "Phrase" in your web banner's text message, you may also choose whether each "Phrase" displays single-line (with slightly bigger text) or multi-line (with slightly smaller text). Of course, you can easily modify the background color and the text color, add some eye-catching flashes, and you can choose from two display types: fast or slow. For example, the sample .swfs included have 4 "phrases" that are "single-line" and "fast", and a 5th "phrase" that is "multi-line" and "slow".