Availability Booking calendar
- Responsive Calendar - Supports languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Serbian - Different number displayed calendars (change in panel) - Different Forms for booking - Different Templates (background for days and other calenar parts, differetn color for all in calendar - Add/Change language - Choice -> Half/ful days reservation - Choice -> Pending/Accepted days reservation - Choice languge for each calendar - Choice disable / enable button reservation - Choice languge for calendar - View all reservations - Responding to reservations - Autorespond email message for ACCEPTED or NOT ACCEPTED reservation - Multiple calendars on one page - Settings Timezone - Settings date format - Admin complete controls - New users Sign up - Create admin and users/subusers in panel - Create admin editors in panel - Create multiple Calendars - Setting different permission for all Users / Admin Editors - Permission for number Users calendar - Disable / enable users registration - Permission for add/change/delete, users, calendar - Simple integration if you have hosting - Copy calendar code in your html site code - Copy calendar code in your PHP site - Copy calendar code in websites created to Weebly or Wix or Webs platform