B2B Marketplace Stylish Script
Welcome to ALIBABACLONE! (SuperbScripts) 1. Product Catalog, Company profiles, Sell Offers, Buy Offers, Forum, Business Directory 2. Complete internal messaging 3. Three membership levels : Gold, Silver and Bronze 4. Customizable site colors and graphics 5. Script parameters are highly configurable through script admin panel. 6. Credit Card , Paypal and Moneybookers module payment method. 7. Sub-Domain Support . Each user will have sub-domain for their company profile. for example : nokia.b2bcode.com And much more Our script is search engine friendly. It also increases your websites search engine rankings! One of the great features our b2b software has is it Multi-Language support. Now our script is available in more then 21 languages. You can read everything in your mother language!