Backpage Clone Script
Our Backpage Script will let you create your own version of classifieds. Backpage isn't a bad model to emulate, as they generate millions per month in revenue. Our Backpage Script is a simple to use and powerful feature-laden classifieds solution. You can operate a site just like Backpage, full of classifieds in sections such as buying and selling, employment, apartments, real estate, personals, and even adult sections. You can have your site up and active in just a few minutes with our unique Backpage Script ready, right out of the box. The Backpage Script is primarily written in PHP, while using MySQL as a database on the back end. This software is packed with dozens of unique features, yet is incredibly straightforward and easy to use. Spice up your online classifieds site and make it more appealing to customers, and increase your bottom line in the process by using this script.