Banner Manager Pro
Banner Manager Pro is an ASP-based banner rotation and management program that will simplify the process of managing and rotating banners on your web site(s). Key features include: Uses Access database, Easy-to-use HTML interface for administration and reporting, Provides advanced real-time reporting options, Supports an unlimited number of Advertisers, Banners, Campaigns, and Zones, Banners can be weighted within a campaign, and campaigns can be weighted in each zone, Operates in two modes - SSI and HTML, Support for third-party ad agency code such as FlyCast, BurstMedia, etc, Individual banners can be shown on any day of the week, and during any period of time, Expire campaigns based on the number of impressions, click-through or date, Includes a cache-busting algorithm to prevent browsers from caching banner ads, and Supports the specification of a web site default campaign.