Banner Rotator with multi Transitions
1. Very customizable and fully XML driven. 2. Can load JPEG , PNG , GIF images and SWF files. 3. It is possible to set any size of banner rotator. 4. 12 Different Transition Effects. You may set personal transition effect to each banner or use default transition effect. 5. Support HTML tags and CSS styles for editing text blocks. 6. It is possible to place the text block in any place on banner. 7. It is possible to set different styles of display of background of the text block. 8. To the text block it is possible to apply shadow or knockout filters. 9. It is possible to establish individual delay between banners for everyone banner or to use delay by default. 10. It is possible to set the size of buttons, spaces of buttons from edges of banner, distances between buttons, color and background of buttons. 11. Can set external link to each banner.