Birthday Balloons
Both confetti and balloons fall from the sky, or you could easily delete one of the two. The file is really easy to manage and there’s a lot to customize! You can set the: * Text that slides down * Direction from which the text slides in * The age (or number, whatever you want) that is tweened to * Dimensions of the field on which you want to display falling balloons and confetti * Minimum and maximum object size * Minimum and maximum alpha level of the objects * Minimum and maximum movement speed * Minimum and maximum rotation speed * Amount of objects falling at once * The objects that are falling! Simply change the shapes inside the movieclips. Obviously, the background can be changed easily as well – simply paste an image or draw a gradient underneath the movieclip! If want only a part of your stage to display the balloons and confetti – no problem! A mask is automatically created that will make sure no suits are shown outside the width and height you define!