Blogs Plugin for Match Agency BiZ - Matchmaker Software
"Blog" is a contraction from the term Web Log. This is an online diary or journal which is published and shared with others on the web by an individual, who is known as a "blogger". "Blogging" has now become a very popular publishing method on the web as the software does not require any technical knowledge to use. Plugin Features: Maximum number of blogs for each account is defined in rights, Author Profile - Blog interlinks, Search Engine Friendly, Folder with title name for each blog, Static seo-wise html page with title name for each page, Blog Index (blog site map) with links to all blogs, Multiple blog templates, Multiple languages, WYSIWYG editor for articles, Blogs Management : Create Publish Delete, Article Management : Create Edit Delete. These scripts are compatible with the Match Agency BiZ - Match Making PHP Script, starting from version 6.4 .