Bookmark mod for Xzero classifieds
The mod provides the bookmarking for the ads. Once the ad has been marked (when the checkbox is clicked) it is added automatically to the favourite ads. The bookmarked ads can be shown on the screen at the pop-up bottom page. The pop-up bottom page does have the ability to delete/show favourite ads.There is a menu to minimize window. The ads can be deleted by one click. When the main window is minimized, the minimized window is poped up with the specific options. - Maximize option. - Hide option. - Show all ads option. Availability to bookmark the ads on the main page. Availability to bookmark the ads on categories page. Availability to bookmark the ads on subcategories page. Ability to view marked ads on separate screen.Availability to bookmark the ads on the main page. Availability to bookmark the ads on categories page. Availability to bookmark the ads on subcategories page. New link to bookmarked ads is added on main page. Ability to view marked ads on separate screen.