Business Card Designer Plus Flash script V5.5
Business Card Designer Plus Flash script V5.5 Business Card Designer was developed in such a way to be easily customized: language, icons, background, header, logo, symbols, cards backgrounds, fonts and templates all are being loaded dynamically from external folders. The most important feature of Business Card Designer is that you can add templates to the application. A template is an already made project, Business card templates can be created very easily by the owner of the application, Application's help can be activated/deactivated and points to a video on Youtube, the current help points to a dummy video but you can make your own video help and point to it from within application's settings. Business card size can also be edited from within application's settings you can choose any size, not just European or US format. Business Card Designer saves the card (both front and back face) to a zip file.includes full sourcecode, deploy package and installation help file.