CalendarComponent is an innovative graphical user interface for picking a calendar date correctly and quickly. Apart from normal navigation by month and year, CalendarComponent lets the user navigate by week of year and quarter of year. This facilitates quicker navigation to a desired calendar date. CalendarComponent lets user pick a correct date by providing a) more information about a calendar date b) call backs to DateValidator: 1. User can select,say, 167th day of the year by switching over to day of year mode. 2. Validity of a selected date is often dictated by the application contexts. CalendarComponent enables applications (of which it is part of) decide on correctness of selected date. (This is done by implementing DateValidator interface. Download demo from and refer to Developer Section in docs/ index.html). It is common to refer to a calendar date by week of year.With CalendarComponent, user can quickly navigate to week of year and make selection.