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What this script does is allow webmasters to signup as affiliates of your program and place the code
Product Details

What this script does is allow webmasters to signup as affiliates of your program and place the code for your program on their pages, which allows surfers to enter their email addresses to join your mailing list. Each time a surfer enters their email, the refering webmaster gets paid a set amount. Example: 5 cents per email addy. This script has many hidden features such as duplicate email checks, and also gives the owner of the script detailed reports to help in catching cheaters. It also gives each affiliate a complete up to date stats report on request automatically and in real time. The script can be set to show surfers a webpage saying thanks for joining and then refers them to the original page they were at so your affiliates never lose a single bit of their traffic.

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Submitted on
3rd March 2006
Last Updated
3rd March 2006
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License Price
USD 500

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