Classic ASP and ASP.NET Security Image Generator (CAPTCHA)
Generate images include letters, numbers and word list to make a CAPTCHA test
Product Details
- Completely FREE. - The specific versions for Classic ASP and ASP.NET - Randomly generated security codes. - Dynamic image processing. - No image file required. - No need any extra server components. - Create a cross browser compatible BMP images. - Custom color palette for image.
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User Reviews
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Very simple and basic
Reviewed byAnonymousonThu, 3rd August 2006
This pure-ASP freeware random number distorted image generation script (generically know as CAPTCHA) is very easy to implement (5/5) and the image is of average quality (3/5). Upon calling the aspcaptcha.asp into an image tag, a session variable is generated.
The script generates numeric characters only, is monotone red, and distorion (which is customizable) is limited to horiz and vert shift, with backgrd noise (pixels).