Clean AS3 News Ticker 01 with RSS
This is a very useful news ticker you can use in your site or your flash project. It can be either vertical or horizontal, you can set this up in the xml. It contains tons of customisation options, like speed/direction, size (width/height), soft/hard masking options etc. You can use it with our own xml content or use an online rss feed (it contains a php script that parses the respective feed). It supports html formatted text (you can even add photos like in the preview) and the all the common special characters (aditional are easy to add). Settings in the XML : - feed type (xml or rss) and url (ex. data.xml for xml or online url for rss) - scroll vertically or horizontally - ticker size - width and height (px) - item spacing - direction and speed of scrolling - X and Y axis offset of the data - stop on mouseover on/off - soft mask at edges on/off - soft mask radius - border size and color ...and many more