Contact Form on Note Paper
A stylish contact form on note paper with handwriting style font. It sends an email using PHP to the address you specify in the PHP file. You can just drag and drop it into your flash file or use it as is. Code is commented, so you can easily find what you need. Help file included explaining how to change the email address, intial text on the form, error messages, error colours, etc. Graphics are all vector. Includes validation: It will give you an error message and won't send the email if any of the fields are empty or the email address does not contain a "at" symbol and a "." after the "at" symbol. You will need to be able to use PHP on your server for this to work. Updates in this version: * new design on white background (but can use it on any background) * updated actionscript(approx 15 lines less code) * fixed onFocus bug - if the line you had selected when you pressed send was invalid, the error message appeared but then if you kept typing it would type in the error colour