Coyora Advanced Mp3 Search Engine Script
Coyoras mp3 search engine is the most advanced mp3 search engine script on the market. Not only does the script come with more sources than you could ever need for mp3s, our users also post extra sources on our forums! Our script has features like no other, allowing you to modify your search results page link structure on the fly, manage your sources from the admin panel, and much more! With our script your website will be an instant success, and you'll begin generating revenue instantly! You may feel the price is too high, but in reality you get what you pay for. Other mp3 scripts on the market may be cheaper but have extremely poor support and broken sources. Also did we mention we will create FREE modifications for your website?! Sources available include 4Shared, SoundCloud, Zing, Goear, Soundowl, hulkshare, dilandau, youtube (beta) and more posted on the forums all the time! Use the Coupon Code: HOTSCRIPTS77 for 15$ off your purchase!