csCounter :: FREE :: Simple webpage counter.
More than 72,000 downloaded to date! Very easy to install, like all of our scripts. Easy to configure. Web based management screen that requires an username and password to access. Create a new counter with the click of a button. Set the beginning counter value or leave at zero to start. Edit existing counter values. Set the number of digits to display on counter. For example, if you set the digit count to 10 and there are 1248 hits to site the counter will look like this: 0000001248 The digit output is in raw text format. Adjusting the font is done using your favorite HTML editor. You can specify whether you want to count unique hits only or you can count all page views, including refreshes/reloads. You can set the counter to hidden. This will make the digits invisible on the page. It will still count page views. Easily reference counter values on the main management page. The value for each counter is displayed next to each counter.