Curent Weather Conditions & Forecast
You can get current weather conditions, 7 day US forecasts, US Advisory and Warnings, 7 day global forecasts. Also included in the results is an interactive virtual map of the location where you can manipulate satellite and radar images. How the site works: The NWS posts hourly weather information from over 6,500 airports and stations around the world in a weather observation statement called a METAR. Given a four-letter station code, the weather data from any station can be decoded. This script reads a METAR file from the NWS server and decodes it into usable information. Current weather information displayed includes: * Observed Time * Current Time * Age * Wind * Visibility * Conditions * Clouds * Temperature * Dewpoint * Humidity * Baramoter Locational information displayed includes: * State * Country * Region * Latitude * Air Latitude * Longitude * Air Longitude * Elevation * Air Elevation