Customers Who Bought... virtuemart module
This VirtueMart module for Joomla! is the analogue of the famous trick "Customers who bought this also bought... " . The module under the product description displays a range of additional products, encouraging customers to buy more than one item at a time. Features: * 2 types of product statistics can be shown in the module: 1. Real statistics (the products which were really bought together with one of the products from your site or after the sale or delayed purchases made by the same customer but within different orders are displayed in the module). 2. Unreal statistics (if you do not want to wait until the component collects enough statistics, you can add some products to the statistics manually). * Customizable module view (Show tag clouds / price / "Add to cart" button in the module and other options) * The component is compatible with Joomla! 1.0 - 2.5 * It works only with a VirtueMart web store, version up to 2.0! * Find more features on our site!