Customizable XML Image Gallery
Everything in this flash image gallery can be customized in the xml without ever opening your Flash file. You can change color, sizes, image order, alpha, and speed. You can also just drag and drop the gallery right into your file because the actionscript is all self-contained. You can have unlimited image groups with unlimited images within those groups. You can use jpg’s and png’s. Click on the thumbnail preview and you will see a larger version of the image. The larger image can be any size, landscape or portrait, as long as it is within your predefined maximum area. When you roll over the large image a caption comes down. The caption is only as tall as the text within it. It will automatically adjust with more or less text. If you define a link, clicking on the image will take you there. You can also use the next and back buttons on the image itself to navigate. This file is a great way to organize multiple galleries into a small space. The entire file is only 20kb!