Cute Editor for ASP -- ASP Rich Text Editor
(New 6.6) Advanced online web based WYSIWYG HTML editor. It enables ASP Web developers to replace your standard Textarea to a rich textbox. cross-browser, cross-platform support, Insert clean HTML from MS Word,complete page editing, Easy to use API. It will replace your Textarea to a richtextbox. This web-based WYSIWYG content editing tool empowers end users with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface for creating and publishing web content. It can integrate seamlessly with your own ASP applications. Immediately, your clients can enjoy the freedom of creating and publishing web content that suits his or her content management systems (CMS), while developers maintain control over a Web site's look and feel. With the familiar and easy-to-use interface, developers can throw away the frustrations of training business users of HTML syntax as well as that of training to use a new tool.