DaDaBIK for PHP-Nuke Vers. 7.1
DaDaBIK Database Interface Module for PHP-Nuke (from version 6.5 onwards, tested on PHP-Nuke 6.x - 7.3) with additional functions such as user authentication and e-mail notification. DaDaBIK is a free PHP application that allows you to easily create a highly customizable Web form interface for a MySQL database in order to search, insert, update and delete records; all you need do is specify a few configuration parameters. -- * The primary-foreign key feature is now complete: it is possible to link a field of a table (foreign key) to a number of fields of another table (containing the primary key). The produced HTML select menu will have the linked field values as "options" and the primary key values as "values". This allow to use a normalized db design. * The "export to CSV" feature has been added: it is now possible to export the current result records to a CSV file. * It is now possible to order result records both in ASC and DESC.