Dating Script 3.25
Dating Script 3.25 is a powerful platform to launch a dating portal. This product is extremely popular among the new webmasters. Main Features: Member registration, Basic search on homepage, Different membership plan, Edit profile, Upload Photos (multiple), Create album, Contact Profiles, Poke users, Send giftcards, Add to favorites, Send Personalized Messages, Get notifications, Success stories, Message compose/draft/sent/trash/inbox in member panel, Customizable template. Admin Panel: Admin dashboard, Add/ edit country, city, Add/ edit gift, Add/ edit hair color, Add/ edit build, Add/ edit eye color, Add/ edit religion, Add/ edit ethnic origin, Add/ edit marital status, Add/ edit education, Add/ edit smoking habit, Add/ edit occupation, Add gift cards, Check messages, Suspend users, Photo Approval, Edit home page content, Edit terms, Edit privacy policy, Edit contact us page content, Edit website logo, Edit meta tags. Visit