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Directy Content Management Framework

Rated1.7/5 (3 ratings)
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ApPHP Directy CMF is a free open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content.
Product Details

ApPHP Directy CMF is an open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content. Directy is an acronym for the common phrase of our programmers: "Direct? Yes!". The Directy CMF makes it easier for developers to add CMS functionality to applications built with the ApPHP MVC framework. Key development principles for the provided set of bundles are modularity, usability, documentation and intuitive coding. This framework is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides. It allows to you extend the functionality of the base application with writing your own independent modules.

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Submitted on
5th June 2014
Last Updated
6th June 2014
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