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Disable “Back” Button function of your Browser/Block Page Access

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This is a set up where you can BLOCK access to ANY PAGE for as many MINUTES as you want after it has been visited once.
Product Details

How it works? Feature One In the script you set up the time for which you want to disable access to a particular page after it has been visited once. So till that time elapses the user cannot access the earlier webpage using the direct URL or the Back button of his browser. Once that time passes the user can use the direct URL or the Back button and go to the concerned page. Feature Two Through this script you can also set up an error URL (internal link or external) where the user will be sent if he uses direct URL or hits the Back button to reach the concerned page after he has visited it once and before the blocking time is over.

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Submitted on
5th November 2012
Last Updated
18th November 2012
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License Price
USD 15.99

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