DLGuard: Expiring download links and secure internet sales
After securing your website payments, DLGuard then gives your customers a unique expiring download link. This link can be time limited as well as download attempt limited. Customer details are added to a MySQL database, their download activity tracked, their contact details added to your mailing list provider. Easily create a membership area to offer your customer upgrades. The built in shopping cart makes selling downloadable product securely a matter of a few clicks. Download statistics show download activity, page hits and sales conversion rates in easy to read 3D graphs. DLGuard's flexibility means you can integrate it easily with your own custom scripts via DLGuard's own IPN system, as well as database query system. Easy enough for techno-phobes to use, DLGuard also offers the power needed for veterans. DLGuard will secure Paypal, Clickbank, 2Checkout, WorldPay, AletPay, PayDotCom, E-Gold, Ebay digital delivery, and track free product downloads. Easy to install!