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Drag&Drop Order Upload for WooCommerce

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You are the shop owners of printing, business cards, envelopes, card name …? or you are selling products and services that require your clients to upload files
Product Details

You are the shop owners of printing, business cards, envelopes, card name …? or you are selling products and services that require your clients to upload files. And you are experiencing difficulty in how, or your old processes manually and take more time. Come to "SmartCms Drag&Drop Order Upload for WooCommerce" of us, it is very easy to install and use. It allows your customers can upload files on the product detail page and order, the files will be added to your shopping cart along with the product. In particular it allows uploading multiple files at once and automatically create thumbnails. With the Drag & Drop and Ajax upload technology, it will quickly resolve your problems, saving a lot of time for your customers and increase your sales. The client can delete files or upload more files before completing the order. After the customer completes an order, you can view the files that they upload in the invoice.

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Submitted on
26th April 2016
Last Updated
26th April 2016
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License Price
USD 35

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