Dynamic Sliding Menu 02
Sliding menu, mouseover pushes out the normal state of the button. Features for the xml/what you can change: - the menu's position - normal/over/pressed gradient colors, font size, font name, button's height, button's added width to the text's total width if you want the button to be a little wider - you can toggle either a button will be launched at first menu load - you can toggle either a line will appear around button, you can even choose the line's gradient colors - you can toggle each bg (normal/over/pressed) and of course you can change each of the button's gradients and alpha value - you can toggle on/off the menu's big background and you can change it's gradient color, width, height, alpha value and you can even position it anywhere you want. - you have 4 motion options ( up-down, down-up, right-left, left-right ) ...and many more