Dynamic XML text scroll bar – resizable scroller
The file is AS2 coded and opened with FLASH 8 or higher. It provides these following features: * Easily load all content from a simple XML file * Placing multiple scrollers movieClips on the stage * Provides ease and smooth scrolling * Keeping position of scroll-bar when window is resized * MouseWheel support * Auto hide the scroller when it is not needed * Easily add text and images (Jpg, Gif, Png) * HTML tags support Easily customizable from inside the XML : * Setting the width and height of the content box * Determine if height is resizeable or not (true or false) * Margin between the content box and window-bottom (for resizable height) * Scroll-bar width (...The draggble bar) * Scroll-bar height * Setting the distance between the scroll-bar and the content area * Speed for the mouse-wheel scrolling * Color for the scrollBar * Color for the scrollBar background