e-Soft24 - Social Bookmark Script
With this script your users are able to save their favorites at your site, can share it with other users and can access their bookmarks from each computer connected to the internet. You will get a great revenue with this script, through affiliate marketing, Google Adsense advertising and direct ad space selling. Some Script Features: - Search engine friendly speaking url's and meta tags. - Bookmark mass import function. - Users can upload a user avatar. - Automatic thumbnail feature for bookmarks. - Captcha verification image on the add bookmark page to prevent bookmark spam. - Setup your site meta tags and static pages (advertise, privacy and terms) with ease. - Advertisement and link management tools. - Customizable cloud tags feature. - Dynamic meta tags (Search engine friendly). - Valid W3C CSS and valid W3C XHTML design. - Full smarty template based script for easy design customization.