Easy Magnifying Glass 01 AS3
This is a simple and easy to use magnifying glass utility that follows the user's mouse. You can use a single image or two images (like the preview), set the size of the small image, size of the magnifying glass, zoom amount and quite a few other things. Settings you can change in the XML file: - the image (viewable) dimension, width & height - the zoom amount - the size of the lens - the glass color and alpha - reflection (glare) alpha (can be set to 0 to disable) - movement animation type (currently set to easeOutElastic in the preview) - movement animation time - hide mouse cursor on/off - drop shadow on/off - path for the large image - path for the small image (optional, if this is not set it will use the large image for both instances and scale it to the specified size as the small image) Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash !