Easy XML Background Image Rotator
This file was created as an easy way to have full background images in your flash file. By placing this in your project and editing an extremely simple XML file you can have images that automatically center, and fill to fit your stage. You can put in one image and use it as an easy way to add a nice auto-resizing background, or you can point the xml at multiple images and have it loop through them at an interval you specify in the xml file. # Automatically centers all images, and optionally scales them to fit to your stage as best as they can. # Can take one image, and statically show it, or many and loop through them. # What images to use, whether each scales to fit, and the loop interval time is all XML driven. # Has features built in so that if it is to change images and the next one isn�t ready, it will wait until it is, immediately switch to it, and then restart the timer, so it always plays cleanly and smoothly. # More! Click the link to see!