easyASP generates ASP scripts for query and modify your data base's tables on the Web in minutes, you just visually select the tables you wish to query and modify, easyASP does the rest. Optionally easyASP allows you, among other things, to: -Select the allowed actions for each field (show when querying, enter a value when inserting or updating and specify a default value) -Change each field's format when showing in queries (font properties, font color, alignment, etc.) -Change the control type for each field when inserting or updating data (HTML Editor, plain text, password, file upload, multiline, dropdown with data from other table, dropdown with custom data, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) -Configure validations on each field, easyASP provides standard validations and allows you to create your own validations in ASP. -Configure access control to the generated scripts asking for username and password (you can specify a value for the username and password or store them in a table and validate against it) -Define filters to be applied by the final users, which easyASP will automatically generate -Define text searches on a table's fields -Automatically resynchronize your projects when a table definition has changed -Customize titles and error messages easyASP provides look and feel templates designed by experts in the Web design field