Energy Bar with flares AS2 AS3
Easy to use preloader showing an energy bar with flares, parameters include: // the number of duplicates generated for each new 1% loading progress // make every flare repeat itself. // define the possible colors // By default only the larger part is colored with a glow // You can also entirely color the large part itself // alpha transparency of the smaller extra white shape on top of the main large // type of horizontal move, 0 = 0to1, 1 = parabolic 0-1-0 // random horizontal movement direction // minimum and maximum horizontal movement distance // type of horizontal move, 0 = 0to1, 1 = parabolic 0-1-0 // random vertical movement direction // minimum and maximum vertical movement distance // scale the flares, 0 = normal to zero, 1 = zero to normal to zero // minimum and maximum scale // minimum and maximum movement duration // minimum and maximum delay before restart.