EPON-DIRECTORY Groupon Clone Software, with Business Directory
Epon Directory LEASE IT TODAY!! Business Listing, Articles, Events,Blog,Deal of The Day,Coupons,Video, Multiple Languages, Google Analytics, Google Interactive Maps, Merchants Website, Mail to Merchant, RSS feeds, All the Social Media Sites, Now Coupons, Print & Save, Merchant Ad Packages, Merchant Special, New Merchant Store like Groupon Gift, Refer a Friend, Bonus Rewards, and much much more... This is the future of where this business is going. Epon-Directory has 9 streams of Revenue, not just one. Also we conduct Marketing webinars on the Groupon Business, go here to register for Live Demo on go to meeting FREE http://www.eponware.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=93&Itemid=156 NO ONE ELSE HAS ALL THESE FEATURES 100% USA CODE