Excel Reader .NET
Excel Reader .NET is a professional component that enables .NET developers to read Excel Spreadsheet files ( XSLX, XLS , CSV ) from their .NET applications or website projects (C#, VB.NET). The Excel spreadsheet is represented as a tree structure. Root of the tree is a Workbook object that has different Worksheets and so on. Excel Reader .NET Key Features: - Various cell data types (numbers, strings, dates, floating point etc.) - Multiple worksheets. - Number formatting (number, currency, date, time, fraction etc.) - Font formatting (size, color, font type, italic and strikeout properties, boldness, underlining, subscript and superscript). - Cell alignment (vertical, horizontal). - Cell Background and Fill Pattern. - Cell borders (color, style). - Merged cells. - Import/Export to DataTable. - Read CSV files (delimited with comma, tab, semicolon or any other separator).