FamousQuotes Php Script Purple
FamousQuotes Script and database is a Php Script which includes 39,000 famous and inspirational quotes categorised by Author name And also topics. Earn from adsense, affiliate programs, and selling ad space by starting your own daily inspirational quotes sites. This script is bundled with more than 39,000 inspirational quotes by famous persons. Visitors can explore the site by alphabetical list or by author list. Visitors can also share the quotes to their friends by using the send to friend feature of the site one way of promoting the site a viral marketing strategy. Also have an automatic code displayed where visitor and myspace members can post the quotes in myspace, another way to promote the site. Admin Panel * Add/edit/delete Advertisements on the site. * Add/edit/delete Quotes on the site. * Script is Seo Friendly. * Open source code. * Install on unlimited domains.