Features FlashReport's powerful layout builder provides drag-and-drop report creation. Anyone who can use a mouse can create powerful PDF reports from their MySQL data. The relationships section of FlashReport enables you to create reports of more than 1 table. For example, if you have two tables in your MySQL database, employees and departments, with the relationship employees.dept_id = departments.id, the realationships tool would allow you to create a report of all employees, grouped by department. Several size options are available in FlashReport, allowing you to view reports in several PDF sizes, including landscape or portrait orientation. If none of the pre-defined sizes are what you're looking for, just input your own size into the "W" and "H" boxes. Save your report structure to the database, for later viewing and editing. There is also a "share" option so that other registered users can use your report as a template. Password-protect reports via a registration page. All employees in your company or organization can have their own private set of reports, as well as shared reports that all users can use.