Auto Classifieds Software from Flynax
Auto Classified Script from Flynax is a highly flexible PHP solution designed for building a used car site or a car dealer site. Our car classified script is a turnkey classifieds solution. So, after installation you get a ready-to-use car classifieds site with a comprehensive database of makes and models. The script offers a powerful CMS allowing you to add custom makes and models, fields, pages, sections etc. You also have an opportunity to add or adjust your car classifieds site to other types of vehicles like bikes, motorcycles and others from back end. The used car script comes with a free template, a month of free support and with more than 80 free and premium plugins among which: CarSpecs, XML/CSV/XLS Export/Import, Recently Viewed, Similar ads, Banners and many others. To connect mobile users to your car classifieds site you may request our native Android and iOS Apps.