FormMail: secure, anti-spam form processor
Tectite FormMail captures the output from an HTML form and emails it to you. Spambots are now sending spam to website owners via their forms. You need a secure anti-spam form processor to keep out the junk. FormMail has many optional features including CSV database support, logging, pre-processing support (e.g. encryption), HTML templates, file uploads, checkboxes and multiple selection fields, auto-responding, derived fields, complex field validations, multi-page forms, ....... Extensive documentation is available on our website. Join our free Community Support forum. FormMail contains no known bugs or security flaws, and has a long history. Requires PHP 4.0.0 or later. You can download FormMail and use it completely free! Or, use our low-cost Configuration Wizard to get working forms in less than 3 minutes. Our new on-line Form Designer is available in the Configuration Wizard (low-cost, but not free).