Free Basic Website with Powerfull Admin Panel
Very simple, easy to use and super fast responsive web site written with basic PHP (PHP 5) and JavaScript. Build on Bootstrap responsive design both on front-end and back-end. Front side has one welcome area with an image, an info area divided in 3 parts, one latest news (could be anything) and latest posts section (could be used for anything) both shows latest 6 inputs and a contact form and address area at the footer. There is an extra "About Us" page, 2 listing pages for 2 input modules and detail pages for items. Admin pages has all necessary area to control, edit, remove or add any content and image for front-end. There is a basic page hit counter, contact message system for inbox and reply, Analytics code, Google, Bing and Yandex webmasters codes area is available in admin. Needs Php5, MySql .htaccess in the root has to be updated. under /classes folder has to be updated with database details. For Adim demo email: [email protected] password: demo