Free search engine optimization tool
Test your web site performance with this free search engine optimization tool that analyzes your page, scores your web site and gives you expert seo tips to improve your positioning. The SEODoctor is an SEO software that can help you quickly spot problems or performance issues that you may easily overlook. It is also designed to score your pages based on the important elements such as the title and content and does not rely too heavily on keyword densities. Although automated SEO tools can save time; nothing replaces the human eye when it comes to search engine optimization and the readability of your pages. SEO Doctor search engine optimization tool will check the overall performance level of your page. Enter your URL and the primary keyword for the page. Testing will take a few moments, so please be patient. The SEO Doctor will spider your page, analyze the content and display the results along with a diagnosis to correct any potential problems. This free search engine optimization tool maybe the only search engine optimization software you need to perform a search engine readiness check on your pages and improve your positioning. Free seo tool from InstantPosition.