freeForum is a free, simple, and multilingual discussion board script which can be fully integrated with your existing page layout. It concentrates on the main features of typical forum scrips, and does it well. With freeForum, you are free: free to post, free to add categories, free to change the layout, and free to integrate it in you site. It's simple: no image, no avatar, no smilies, no useless statistics, fully CSS and template based. It's easy for the administrator: backup and restore functions, captcha images, IP banning, flood protection, smart forms, open and closed categories, reserved user names... The multilingual interface is available in English, French, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, German, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Bosnian, Italian, Indonesian, Serbian, and Macedonian. freeForum is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL).