FREEze Greetings
Free Professional greeting card system
Product Details
Free greeting card system. Features: No need of any configuration,does not require any database, Supports Images, Flash files, Background Music, Emotions with Message Message is deleted automatically after a specified period of time, Shows upcomming events,Password protected admin panel to add and edit greeting cards and much more...

posted byinoutscriptsinBlockchain & Cryptocurrency
PriceUSD 3,449.00

posted bySangvishinClone Scripts
PriceUSD 499.00
User Reviews
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Very good script
Reviewed byAnonymousonMon, 19th June 2006
Perfectly cusomizable (even for a foreign language and a totally different outlook), easily installable - even for the non-programmer (or at least beginner).
Easy to use it and undertand the whole system.
Congratulation to the programmer!