Full Screen News Viewer
This Full Screen News Viewer is a great addition to any flash website. It hides away as a tab on the left side of the screen when you're not viewing it, but expands to fill the width of the screen which you click on the tab! It resizes when the browser window is resized. It has many features such as being updated by an XML file, so the text and images are loaded from external files which makes it easy to update! Your news items can have unlimited length (scroll arrows appear when the item it too long). Each news item has it's own image (jpg or swf). These can link to an external file, or if you leave the url field blank in the xml file they won't have a link. This news viewer has built in CSS hover styles. So you can include HTML in your news items and links which automatically have styles applied to them. You can easily change the colour in the flash file. Just put your flash website into the movieclip in the middle and it will auto-centre when the browser window is resized!