GeoCore for Classified Ads or Auctions or BOTH - Professional Classifieds and Auctions Software
GeoCore is the premier classifieds | classified ads and/or auctions website software solution. Community and Site Specific IPhone app for your classifieds | classified ads or auction website. Run classifieds | classified ads site similar to Craigslist, Kijiji, Gumtree, or create your own layout. Customized classifieds | classified ads or Auctions website for any industry (auto, real estate, business listings, employment, animal, general, personals, etc..). Classifieds | Classified Ads | Auctions Software offers even more(Standard Auctions, Dutch Auctions, Buy Now Only, and Wanted Ads) that can be used all in one package. We are dedicated to leading the classifieds | classified ads and auctions software development. As a result, we feel we are simply the best classifieds | classified ads and/or auctions solution on the market.