Gnews Publisher .NET (Aug'09 Released)
Gnews Publisher.NET is a cost-effective solution to manage news and articles online. Gnews Publisher allow you to publish press releases, news, company announcements, articles and knowledge-base content divided to categories. Built for ASP.NET utilize high-technology for information centralization, and information sharing for your site. Provides you to manage a dynamic web site. Allows you to manage your content within a full database-driven management system. Gnews Publisher.NET provides you to manage dynamic web site. Publish news, headlines, press releases, articles, blogs or any other documents. Friendly management pages, template based frontend and SEO url are reasons to use this script.With Free setup and 1 year upgrade, Some great features of Gnews.NET: Easy installation, friendly management, multi-editor feature and zone-based management, template system, complete database backend, SEO feature, search engine etc...