Google Sitemap Generator for Wordpress
Features: * WordPress 2 compatible * Comes as a WordPress Plugin * Has a user interface where you can customize all parameters like change frequencies, priorities etc. * User interface available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Simplified and Traditional Chinese * Generates a static XML file in your Blog directory (Filename is customizable) * Can generate a gzipped version of the sitemap * Generates a sitemap for homepage, posts, static pages, categories and archive pages * Calculates a priority for each post, based on the number of comments (You can also turn this off) * The XML file gets automatically rebuilt if you change/edit/create/publis h a post * Can automatically tell Google about changes via Google-Ping * You can include external pages which aren�t generated by WordPress or are not recognized by this plugin * You can define a minimum post priority, which will override the calculated value if it�s too low